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AI Pulse #8: AI21 Labs Raises $155M in Series C FundingAI, Overseas Workers Powering AI Boom, + MORE

Hello everyone!👋 We’re thrilled to have you back for our newsletter, where we unravel the fascinating world of AI. This issue is packed with the freshest AI news pieces and the most noteworthy AI funding announcements.

Let’s get to it!

Latest Funding News

In this second newsletter issue, we delve deeper into AI funding news, continuing our journey to keep you informed about the industry’s latest developments. As mentioned in our previous newsletter, staying attuned to AI funding is pivotal for grasping industry trends.

In this issue, we shine a spotlight on AI21 Labs, who secured an impressive $155 million in Series C funding, showcasing their trajectory in the AI landscape. Understanding where investments flow provides insight into market confidence and emerging trends.

Join us as we explore the top 10 AI funding news articles and afterward, we’ll dive into the 10 most trending AI news articles that captivate our curiosity.

Top Trending AI News

Internet cafes in the Philippines are now frequented by workers who sort and label data for artificial intelligence models. (Martin San Diego for The Washington Post)

1. Overseas Workers in ‘Digital Sweatshops’ Power AI Boom

Publisher: Washington Post

Published: 8/28/2023

AI relies on the labor-intensive efforts of a workforce spread across much of the Global South and often subject to exploitation, according to a Washington Post article.


1️⃣ Thousands of workers in the Philippines support AI through crowdwork.

2️⃣ They sort data, label images and edit text for American companies.

3️⃣ The largely unregulated workforce is transforming raw data into AI feedstock.

4️⃣ Scale AI, a San Francisco start-up, owns Remotasks and pays workers very low rates.

5️⃣ Scale AI has delayed or withheld payments and provided few channels for recourse.

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Illustration by Alex Castro | Source: The Verge

2. US Copyright Office Seeks Public Comments on AI and Copyright

Publisher: The Verge

Published: 8/30/2023

The US Copyright Office is seeking public comments on AI and copyright, including issues around training data, AI-generated material, and copyright liability.


1️⃣ The US Copyright Office is seeking public comments on AI and copyright.

2️⃣ They want to know how AI should use copyrighted data in training, whether AI-generated material can be copyrighted without human involvement, and how copyright liability would work with AI.

3️⃣ Comments are due by October 18th, and replies must be submitted by November 15th.

4️⃣ The Copyright Office has received applications to register works containing AI-generated material and may use the comments to inform future decisions about granting copyright.

5️⃣ Many lawsuits have already been filed alleging copyright infringement by generative AI tools.

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Source: Harvard Business Review

3. Enabling Trusted AI with Hybrid Platform

Publisher: Harvard Business Review

Published: 8/28/2023

Generative AI can create high-quality content, but to protect proprietary data, a hybrid platform is needed to combine public and private cloud solutions.


1️⃣ Generative AI has the potential to help businesses create high-quality content.

2️⃣ But organizations must give AI tools access to enterprise-specific knowledge and data.

3️⃣ Hybrid data management is critical to protect confidential data from exposure.

4️⃣ A hybrid workflow allows organizations to benefit from public cloud experimentation while keeping sensitive data safe.

5️⃣ One organization’s experience using a hybrid cloud platform led to a more personalized customer experience and increased revenue.

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OpenAI CEO Sam Altman speaks during a keynote address announcing ChatGPT integration for Bing at Microsoft in Redmond, Washington, Feb. 7, 2023. | Source: Jason Redmond, AFP | Getty Images

4. OpenAI Launches ChatGPT Enterprise, Its Biggest Announcement Yet

Publisher: CNBC

Published: 8/28/2023

OpenAI launches ChatGPT Enterprise, an AI chatbot’s business tier with access to GPT-4, no usage caps, and performance up to two times faster than previous versions.


1️⃣ OpenAI has launched ChatGPT Enterprise, their business tier AI chatbot.

2️⃣ The tool has been in development for less than a year.

3️⃣ It includes access to GPT-4 with no usage caps and performance up to two times faster.

4️⃣ ChatGPT Enterprise will allow clients to input company data to train and customize.

5️⃣ OpenAI plans to onboard as many enterprises as possible in the next few weeks.

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Source: CNN

5. Schumer to Host AI Forum with Tech CEOs Zuckerberg and Musk

Publisher: CNN

Published: 8/29/2023

Senate Majority Leader Schumer will host an AI event featuring tech CEOs including Zuckerberg and Musk to discuss regulations and potential dangers of AI.


1️⃣ Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is hosting an AI event in September.

2️⃣ CEOs from Google, Meta, Microsoft, Nvidia, and X will attend.

3️⃣ The event will not be open to the press.

4️⃣ The forums will discuss how to regulate AI.

5️⃣ Schumer wants lawmakers to understand AI before passing legislation.

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Argentine publicist is using an artificial intelligence app to visualize how babies stolen by Argentina’s dictatorship (1976-1983) may look like today, four decades later. (September 3) | Source: AP Video, Victor R. Caivano

6. AI Project Envisions Adult Faces of Children Missing During Argentina’s Dictatorship

Publisher: AP News

Published: 9/03/2023

Argentine publicist uses AI to create images of children who disappeared during the country’s military dictatorship, hoping to raise awareness and help locate missing children.


1️⃣ An Argentine publicist uses AI to create images of missing children.

2️⃣ These images are uploaded to an Instagram account called iabuelas.

3️⃣ The project aims to raise awareness and stir the conscience of those who may have doubts about their origin.

4️⃣ The Grandmothers of the Plaza de Mayo estimates around 500 children were snatched from their parents during the dictatorship.

5️⃣ While the initiative is appreciated, the group warns that DNA testing is the only infallible tool to link these people with their families of origin.

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Campaign groups say secrecy of AI use by Department for Work and Pensions is ‘seriously concerning’. Photograph: Chris Young/PA

7. UK Urged to Improve Transparency in AI-Based Welfare Claim Vetting

Publisher: The Guardian

Published: 9/03/2023

The UK government risks contempt of court over its lack of transparency on AI use in vetting welfare claims, warns the information commissioner.


1️⃣ The UK government risks contempt of court for lacking transparency in AI welfare claims.

2️⃣ Child poverty campaigners warn of “devastating” impact on children if benefits are suspended.

3️⃣ The information commissioner warns the DWP to change its approach within 35 days.

4️⃣ The DWP refuses to disclose information, and its AI system shows evidence of bias.

5️⃣ UN experts warn of serious problems for some benefit claimants with machine learning.

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Source: Associated Press, Engadget

8. Regulating AI: How and Why it Needs to Happen

Publisher: Engadget

Published: 8/27/2023

AI needs regulation to prevent potential harms and ensure transparency and accountability, argues author Tom Kemp in his book “Containing Big Tech.”


1️⃣ The AI industry needs regulation to prevent potential harms to society.

2️⃣ We need governing bodies and standards to check and balance algorithms.

3️⃣ AI regulation should be similar to the FDA, with impact assessments sent to the FTC.

4️⃣ Consumers should have a right to know about AI-generated content and the right of private action.

5️⃣ AI certifications, codes of conduct, and industry standards are necessary for better risk management.

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Source: PCGamesN

9. Elon Musk’s AI Dota 2 Squad Competes at The International

Publisher: PCGamesN

Published: 8/27/2023

Elon Musk’s AI team created to beat pro Dota 2 players at The International, using reinforcement learning and reward functions.


1️⃣ Elon Musk’s OpenAI is developing AI agents to beat pro Dota 2 players.

2️⃣ The bots process 20,000 data points and 1,000 actions at any time.

3️⃣ The bots use reinforcement learning and train for 180 years per day.

4️⃣ Dota 2’s complexity makes it an ideal testing ground for AI development.

5️⃣ If Musk’s AI can beat the world’s top team, a robot apocalypse may be near.

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Source: Cointelegraph

10. Bullish on Bitcoin and AI Convergence

Publisher: Cointelegraph

Published: 9/03/2023

ARK Invest CEO Cathie Wood sees positive implications in the intersection of Bitcoin and AI, citing transformative potential and diverse industry possibilities.


1️⃣ Cathie Wood believes Bitcoin and AI have transformative potential.

2️⃣ The synergy between AI and Bitcoin could benefit diverse industries.

3️⃣ ARK Invest’s research document suggests the significance of AI in investment strategies.

4️⃣ Wood has invested in AI-related stocks and supports a Bitcoin ETF.

5️⃣ The fusion of Bitcoin and AI could potentially reshape productivity and cost dynamics.

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